Friday, February 15, 2013

Save-The-Date Drama!

This last week has been crazy in the wedding planning process!!!  I am planning this wedding on a limited budget and a shortened timeline so I knew it would be intese but there was a couple of times I wanted to throw in the towel!  What has me so stressed out you ask (okay so you didn't ask but I'm going to tell you anyways...) the Save-the-Dates!  First it was all about decided what method to use. There are hundreds of ways of letting your guest know you are getting hitched and it's your job (and if your lucky like me your decision committee, there will be more on a decision committee in a future post!) to pick the best way for you.  I'm not going to go through all the countless methods I'll just say for me it came down to paper or ecards. This can definitely be a little on the boring side (there are some really fun, creative methods to this aspect of the wedding planning process!) but again we were on a limited time schedule and I wanted to get it done quickly since the wedding is approaching fast!  Anywhoo...after some research and lots of back and forth my fiancee and I decided that the E-card would be quicker and more efficient ..YAY, now that's decided it's all smooth sailing right? WRONG!  Now it's all about finding the best website to use...who has the best features such as tracking guest? Do they have an app? Do you want to use a free version with ads, or pay some money to keep it clean?  This took me awhile but I finally narrowed it down to a few different sites...

Evite is a free service and I loved the guest interaction on this one, but was not in love with the adds...also I didn't fall in love with many of their cards. However if your looking for cheap (they are free!!!) this is a good site to try out!  

Pingg is a service that has both free and paying cards.  Their cards that cost are only 10.00 and they have some lovely cards...but the guest interaction was not top notch.  It didn't have an RSVP spot and the comment section was a little iffy...but it was still a pretty good choice and I would recommend at least checking it out:)

And last the one I ended up choosing was Post Paperless Post...paperless post really encompassed all of our needs...They have beautiful cards, their guest interaction was perfect and the price was reasonable!  I sent out about 100 cards for less than $25.oo.  They also have an app that works nicely with the website!  I will most likely do a in depth post about the Paperless Post and all there wonder features!

I also suggest that no matter what method you use to get your save the dates out to your guest that you start out organized!  I had such a headache trying to get all of my guest information gathered and I'm still dealing with stragglers!!!   At least I'll be more prepared when i send out my Invitations in a couple of weeks...oh goodness a couple of weeks....NOOOO!!!!